Fund Information:

The Yukon Indian People Training Trust (YIPTT) assists Yukon First Nations (YFNs) in accessing training that will help them participate in the economic opportunities arising from the implementation of any Yukon First Nation Final Agreement.

YIPTT was set up under Chapter 28 of the UFA and was established to advance the training YFNs.  

YIPTT is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees. These Trustees are appointed by the Council of Yukon First Nations, the Government of Yukon and the Government of Canada to make decisions about training project applications and about investments.  


As per the Umbrella Final Agreement, beneficial uses of this fund should foster the socio-economic development of Yukon First Nation people.  
YFNs can submit applications to access this Fund. The application requires a project proposal. The project should intend to assist YFNs in attaining training that will help them participate in the economic opportunities arising from the implementation of any YFN Final Agreement.

Applicants may also partner with other YFNs and/or organizations specifically mandated to support YFNs.

YFNs can submit more than one application annually but can only receive funding for one project annually. Preference will be given to YFNs that have not accessed YIPTT funding in the past.

Submission & Value:

The TPC receives and assesses project applications on a first come first served basis, beginning February 1, 2021, with $200,000 available until it is expended. Funds will be disbursed in the 2021 fiscal year (April 1, 2021 and later).

YFNs may partner with another YFN or YFN organizations to access up to $400,000 with a multi-year project proposal.
The amount made available annually to YFNs will be reviewed annually by YIPTT Trustees and communicated to all YFNs.  

Proposal Assessment:

YIPTT Trustees review applications and make final decisions on the disbursements of the Fund. The Trustees will do their best to ensure:

• Yukon First Nations are able to access YIPTT monies;
• Decisions made on applications are based on evidence and fact;
• A consistent method of decision-making is employed for all applications using the lens of fairness and impartiality.

Preference will be given to YFNs that have not accessed YIPTT funding in the past.